Uptime is the only time that matters!
The IPM Method
SURE (Specified for Uptime. Runnability Engineered.)
IPM’s SURE thing approach could be the right approach for your food or beverage packaging plant or project. Your product might require speed at volume. Or it might require switchover agility. Your commercial aspirations may require less handwork and more automation.
Your package type, size, shape, and temperature requirements might require unique control and delicate handling. And your tertiary packaging, storage and shipping protocols might require an especially demanding carton and palletizing solution.

Rational Scope Freeze Requires an Intentional Method
If we decide to work together on a project the first thing we’ll do is discuss project objectives with owners and stakeholders. We’ll also engage production, operators, maintenance, and plant engineering in that process. We document that.
At this point we work together to push through to a rational scope freeze condition. We’ll facilitate that process. New information can change scope freeze. Of course. But Project Scope Freeze can only be adjusted by the one project owner with responsible charge.
Being Intentional About Hard Budgets, Tight Schedules & SURE Solutions
The customer-facing team at IPM each have a strong engineering background. They need it in order to facilitate and customize the IPM Method in your plant. The result is a customer- and project-specific document detailing these Scope Freeze Fundamentals.
- Document production goals
- Document physical space
- Document existing machinery
- Collect and prioritize pros, cons and risks input from plant management, plant engineering and operating personnel
- Discuss first draft budget and schedule
The result is a Project-managed, Milestone-driven set of customer-specific next steps detailing a rational Scope Freeze Condition. And a SURE-thing food or beverage packaging system solution.